Disentangling the complexities of soil communities with highly accurate long-read metagenome assembly

Understanding microbial diversity is crucial not only for conserving and maintaining ecosystems, but also for human and environmental health. However, many microorganisms, particularly of environmental samples such as soil, are difficult to culture and therefore largely unknown.

Now, HiFi sequencing on the Revio system is allowing microbiologists to sequence near-to-complete microbes directly from the environment, without the need to culture, with metagenome sequencing and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs).

In this webinar, discover how MAGs are now more obtainable than ever before with highly accurate long-read sequencing. Learn how HiFi reads allow for more and higher quality MAGs than other technologies both across and within species at the strain level, and hear about two studies utilizing HiFi shotgun metagenome sequencing on soil samples to better characterize the microbes within these diverse ecosystems.

Watch the recording to:

  • Understand the importance of both high accuracy and long reads for complex metagenomic environmental samples.
  • Discover how long-read sequencing can overcome many of the challenges previously associated with MAGs.
  • Learn how to obtain high-quality MAGs from complex soil environments with more data and lower costs than ever before.

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Jeremy Wilkinson, PhD
Senior Staff Specialist, Microbial Genomics, PacBio

An introduction to HiFi metagenomics

Luis Valentin-Alvarado, PhD
Research Fellow, Monash University

High-fidelity long reads enable hundreds of contiguous MAGs in wetland soil microbiome

Boyke Bunk, PhD
Head of Bioinformatics and IT, Leibniz Institute DSMZ – German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures

Metagenomics at its limits - recovering high quality MAGs from complex soil bacterial communities